The fall and winter months bring more than just colder temperatures to the St. Louis area; they are also accompanied by lower humidity levels. Low humidity can have all kinds of effects on your health and your home, but it can easily be controlled with the help of a humidifier. If you’re interested in installing a humidifier and can’t decide between a whole house and a portable model, the whole house humidifier pros and cons listed below should make your decision a breeze!

Whole house humidifier pros

  • Control the humidity of your entire house with one unit.
  • Whole-house humidifiers are installed as a part of your existing heating system. As a result, one unit will control the humidity levels of your entire home. Portable humidifiers, on the other hand, can only control the humidity of one room at a time. To match the effectiveness of a whole-house humidifier, you’d either have to buy multiple portable units (which wastes energy and money) or drag a portable unit with you from room to room (which is not practical).

  • Require very little maintenance. The maintenance involved with a whole-house humidifier is very minimal. Since it’s attached to your existing plumbing system, there is no need to add water every day like you have to with a portable unit. Portable units also require regular cleaning, which only needs to be done with a whole-house unit about once a year.
  • Quiet and out of sight. Because they are installed with your heating system, whole-house humidifiers are hidden away and virtually unnoticeable. Portable humidifiers can be noisy and are always on display, which is an eyesore for many homeowners.

Whole house humidifier cons

  • More expensive than portable units. Whole-house humidifiers come with a higher sticker price than portable units. However, as you saw above, whole-house models are more effective at controlling indoor humidity levels. Whole-house humidifiers can also lower your energy bills because you feel warmer in a home with higher humidity, which allows you to lower your thermostat temperature.
  • Requires professional installation. Portable humidifiers can be used out-of-the-box, whereas whole-house models must be installed by a professional like Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical. Once the unit is installed, however, it will require much less attention and maintenance than a portable model.

If you have any questions about these whole house humidifier pros and cons, or if you’d like a heating system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St. Charles heating and cooling company. We service the St. Louis area and surrounding cities like Des Peres, St. Peters, and Wentzville.

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