Humidity is something people often associate with the summertime, especially here in the St. Louis area. But when we’re talking about the indoor air quality of your home, winter is one of the most important times of the year to pay attention to humidity levels.

The reason is that the air outside, and in your home, is naturally much drier in the wintertime than in the summertime. As we mentioned last week, low humidity levels can lead to static shocks in your home. If it’s too low, it can also lead to cracked furniture and health problems like nose bleeds and dry throats, eyes, and skin.

When you’re using a humidifier to adjust your home’s humidity, it’s also possible for the levels to get too high – even in the wintertime. This excess moisture in the air could lead to warped furniture and illness from mold and poor air quality.

What is the ideal indoor humidity level?

Generally speaking, it’s best to keep your indoor humidity levels between 30 and 55 percent. Doing so will help you avoid the problems that come with both low and high humidity.

To feel the most comfortable in your home, it’s best to aim for a humidity level of 45 percent. That is the level that people tend to feel most comfortable, and it’s well within the range of safe humidity levels.

Indoor humidity and energy savings

Beyond being healthy and comfortable in your home, raising humidity levels in the wintertime can also save you money on your energy bills. That’s because people feel warmer when the humidity levels are higher, and it doesn’t take as high of a temperature to feel comfortable in your home.

If you have any questions about the humidity and indoor air quality of your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St. Louis area heating and cooling company.

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