Choosing an HVAC contractor can be a difficult task. With so many businesses out there, how are you supposed to find the high-quality contractor that you expect and deserve? Don’t fret, because Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical is here to help! This week we’re going to have a couple of blogs about the signs of a good contractor, starting with businesses that are members of ACCA.

What is ACCA?

ACCA stands for Air Conditioning Contractors of America. It is a non-profit association with over 4,000 HVAC businesses as members. For HVAC businesses like Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical (who are proud members of ACCA), the organization provides access to the latest industry training, education, and resources. Because of this, ACCA also provides several benefits for you, the homeowner.

Why should you choose an ACCA contractor?

ACCA is a voluntary organization, so when a business becomes a member they also agree to ACCA’s Code of Ethics and standards of excellence. By choosing an ACCA contractor, you’re choosing a business that cares about:

  • The highest quality service.
  • ACCA members are held to a high standard of excellence when it comes to the work they perform in your home. With access to the latest training and information in the HVAC industry, your contractor will know how to safely and correctly service your system.

  • Energy efficiency. ACCA contractors strive to maximize the efficiency of your home for a couple of reasons. For one, it saves you money and keeps your system running as long as possible. Energy efficiency is also beneficial for the environment because efficient homes cut back on the greenhouse gasses that are released into the air.
  • healthy and comfortable homes. To an ACCA contractor, HVAC isn’t just about temperature control. It’s also about maintaining a healthy indoor environment that limits the airborne contaminants that can be harmful to your health. That’s why we help provide you with the latest information and products to help control indoor air quality in your home.

If you have any questions about the ACCA, or if you’d like an HVAC system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St. Louis area heating and cooling company.

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