Temperatures are beginning to reach the 50’s, the ’60s and even 70’s here in the St. Louis area, and spring is in the air! So now that we’ve turned our backs on winter, it’s time to look forward to the warmer months ahead. To help you do that, today we’re providing you with a spring home maintenance checklist that will help keep your home cool, efficient, and healthy throughout this year’s cooling season!

Your spring home maintenance checklist

  • Schedule your air conditioner tune-up. When it comes to keeping your home comfortable and efficient throughout this year’s cooling season, the most important thing you can do is schedule an air conditioner tune-up. A tune-up is the best way to save money on your cooling bills and avoid expensive breakdowns later this summer.
  • Check your air filter. Spring is one of the most important seasons to keep up with your air filter changes. If you didn’t change your filter this winter, it is almost certainly time to replace it with a clean filter that will allow your air conditioner to operate efficiently. In addition, many people have spring allergies that are made much worse by a dirty air filter.
  • Inspect your windows and doors. This is a great time of year to inspect the areas around your windows and doors and look for cracks and openings that lead outside. Air leaks like these can significantly raise your cooling costs, in addition to making your home less comfortable. Be sure to fill any cracks with caulk and replace the weatherstripping on any doors and windows that you can see sunlight through when they are closed.
  • Plan ahead for your summer thermostat settings. If you don’t already know what thermostat settings you like to use during summertime, now is a great time to figure those out because the temperatures are still mild and it won’t put as much of a strain on your system while testing different settings. Read this blog post for recommendations on where to start.
  • Perform your spring cleaning. Many people like to use this time of year for spring cleaning. This is a great idea not only because it makes your house look better, but also because it helps remove dust that would otherwise circulate in your home’s air and worsen asthma and allergy symptoms.
  • Switch your ceiling fans back to normal. If you used our tip to run your ceiling fans in reverse this winter, now is a good time to go back and switch all your fans back to their normal rotations. Also, take advantage of your ceiling fans this spring while the weather is mild and you can give your air conditioner a break before it works overtime this summer.

If you have any questions about this spring home maintenance checklist, or if you’d like a heating and cooling system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St. Louis heating and air conditioning contractor. We service the St. Louis area, including towns like Chesterfield, Clarkson Valley, and Clayton.

photo credit: StockMonkeys.com via photopin cc

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