Today marks the first day of spring, which means we can finally start to say goodbye to winter and look forward to the warmer months ahead. Spring also coincides with the time of year that you should start thinking about scheduling your annual air conditioner tune-up with Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical. Today we’re going to answer a few common questions people have about air conditioner tune-ups and talk about some of the benefits of getting a tune-up that you might never have expected!

Should I schedule a tune-up if I’m still using my furnace?

You’ll likely still be using your furnace over the next few weeks, so you might be wondering whether or not now is the right time to get a tune-up for your air conditioner. The truth is that now is the perfect time to schedule your tune-up!

It doesn’t need to be 80 degrees outside for us to perform a proper air conditioner tune-up. It would be better to schedule your tune-up before it gets too warm out. By scheduling your tune-up early, you can ensure that your air conditioner will work great starting from the first day that you turn it on and that it won’t suffer an unexpected breakdown when it does start to get hot outside.

In addition, the earlier in the cooling season that you schedule your tune-up, the easier it will be to book an appointment quickly.

My air conditioner didn’t have problems last year, do I still need a tune-up?

Did your air conditioner work flawlessly throughout the last cooling season? That’s great, we’re happy to hear it! However, there are several tasks that we perform during your air conditioner tune-up (like checking refrigerant levels, cleaning the system, and testing safety devices) that must be done every year if you want your system to continue to work properly.

Remember, your air conditioner did a whole lot of work last summer, and it has been dormant through the entire winter. There are a number of problems that might have developed during that time that should be taken care of before this year’s cooling season kicks into full gear.

Besides avoiding breakdowns, how else can I benefit from getting a tune-up this year?

  • Your utility bills will be lower because will ensure that your system is operating as efficiently as possible.
  • Your home will be more comfortable because we’ll take care of any performance issues that might have prevented your home from cooling properly.
  • Your air conditioner will be safe because we’ll inspect all of its safety devices and check for common issues that can cause your system to operate in an unsafe manner.
  • You’ll avoid expensive repairs down the line because we can catch small and otherwise unnoticeable problems before they turn into big issues that require major repairs.
  • Your air conditioner will last longer because the tasks that we perform during your tune-up will limit the amount of stress that your system undergoes throughout its lifetime.

If you have any questions about your spring air conditioner tune-up, or if you’d like a heating and cooling system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St. Charles, MO, air conditioner installation and repair contractor. We provide service all over the St. Louis area, including towns like St. Peters, Town and Country and Weldon Spring, MO.

photo credit: barkingmoose via photopin (license)

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