Now that summer has officially begun, many St. Louis area homeowners are thinking about their air conditioning systems and how to get the most “bang for their buck” this summer. One of the most important things to consider when it comes to saving energy while keeping your home comfortable is your home’s thermostat settings. Today we’re going to guide you through choosing the optimal thermostat settings for saving money while staying cool in your home.

Optimal thermostat settings based on your preferences

The thermostat settings you choose will depend on what you want to get out of your air conditioner. Here are some recommended guidelines based on your priorities:

  • Your main priority is energy savings. If your number one priority is conserving energy and lowering your utility bills, your best bet is to follow the EPA’s recommendations for energy-saving thermostat settings: Set your thermostat at 78 degrees when you’re awake and at home; raise it 7 degrees (to 85 degrees) when you’re away from home, and raise it 4 degrees (to 82 degrees) when you’re sleeping.
  • Your main priority is keeping cool. If your number one priority is keeping cool, you’ll simply want to find your optimal thermostat settings through trial and error. For many people, 72 degrees is the optimal at-home temperature, so that’s a good place to start. No matter what you’re most comfortable with when you’re awake or sleeping at home, you should consider raising your thermostat about 7 degrees when you’re away from home because nobody will be there to enjoy the cool air!
  • You want the best of both worlds. If you want to save energy without sacrificing comfort, the best thing to do is use the EPA’s settings as a starting point and find your optimal settings from there. Starting at 78 degrees, lower your temperature one degree at a time until you find the highest temperature you’re comfortable with for when you’re awake and when you’re sleeping. Make sure to also raise your thermostat by 7 degrees for the times of day that your home is unoccupied.

Once you figure out your optimal thermostat settings, stick to them!

After you know your optimal thermostat settings, be sure to stick with them throughout the summer. With a programmable thermostat, you can store your settings for different times of the day and have them change automatically.

Also, try not to set your thermostat lower than usual in an attempt to cool your home faster. Your home will cool at the same rate no matter what your thermostat is set at, so lowering your thermostat unnecessarily will just waste energy and put more of a strain on your unit!

If you have any questions about the optimal thermostat settings for your home, or if you’d like to have a cooling system serviced or installed, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St. Louis air conditioning company. We service the St. Louis area, including surrounding towns like Ballwin, Chesterfield, and Clarkson Valley.

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