Plus, Learn the Facts About the R-22 Refrigerant Ban

On those sticky dog days of summer when sweat drips down your back, nothing beats the feeling of walking into a chilled room with good old powerful air conditioning. Are we right? It’s moments like these when we thank Willis Carrier for his most ingenious, brilliant, cool creation: AC. Of course, the modern-day air conditioning system has come a long way since 1902 when Carrier first brought his idea to our world. Have you ever wondered how far we’ve come? We have.

There are many late summer days when our techs are performing air conditioning repair in St. Charles County, MO, in hot homes and wonder: How did people survive before air conditioning? Just think back to Colonial times when folks wore heavy wigs, breeches, stockings, petticoats, capes, and dresses made entirely of wool! Imagine wearing that style of dress in 100-degree weather and only bathing once every few weeks. Yuck! Our forefathers never had a cool home to retreat to after a long, hot day—and they didn’t smell too great, either. Just one more reason to thank Willis Carrier for his AC invention!

Here’s a brief timeline of air conditioning and cool milestones associated with the greatest invention ever.

1902: Willis Carrier designs the very first air conditioning system while trying to solve a production problem at a printing plant in Brooklyn, NY. He calls his invention the “apparatus for treating air.”

1913: Willis Carrier creates a single packaged product known as the Carrier Air Humidifier. It is the very first self-contained unit with a fan, motor, eliminator, and spray and is created to humidify the air in a single room.

1926: The first air conditioner for the home is introduced by Carrier.

1939: Packard becomes the first automobile manufacturer to offer an air conditioning unit for cars.

the 1950s: In a post-World War II world, air conditioning units start to take off and become more of a household essential.

1994: The refrigerant known as R-22 is linked to ozone depletion and is banned in some countries. Auto manufacturers switch to the less harmful R-134.

2020: In January 2020, it will become illegal in the U.S. to produce or import R-22. The ban on R-22 will cut back on supplies and make the cost of repairing air conditioning systems with this chemical much more expensive. After 2020, only recycled, reused, or repurposed R-22 will be available to service existing systems that use it and are in good working order. Going forward, manufacturers will install and manufacture more eco-friendlier refrigerants.

We Won’t Let You Lose Your Cool

Don’t let your cooling system become history like R-22! While summer may be winding down, Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical is still available for all of your cooling repairs and maintenance while you still need it. If you have questions about the R-22 phase out and what it means for you, give us a call. We’ll do our best to explain the new guidelines and help you decide whether the time is right for an AC replacement.

Lastly, consider this your friendly fall reminder that cooler weather will be approaching in a few months! Don’t wait to call for your furnace maintenance in St. Charles County, MO, and beyond. Call today and plan your fall furnace checkup while it’s still fresh in your mind!

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