Last week we joined a conglomerate of nature-loving folks and friends at the St. Louis Science Center’s James S. McDonnell Planetarium for the Eco Expo. Wow, you should have seen all the neat ways to hug the planet. We learned a whole lot too! Allied Waste recycles EVERYTHING they acquire. They even reported turnaround times for an aluminum can to be back on the grocery shelf in as little as 60 days. And those plastic water bottles we see lying in the blue bins outside of neighborhood houses? Those are broken down and reused to make carpets. Talk about a lifestyle change!

Now that being said, we were happy to tell the Eco Expo world about our efforts as Earth-friendly recyclers. We had one of the most popular freebies available at our booth. By the end of the day, we gave away almost 1,000 reusable grocery bags and sports bottles.

We’ve also made a conscious effort to be an efficient and eco-friendly company, even in our day-to-day routines. For every installation we do, the parts from any previous machine are sent to be recycled, including the refrigerant! Our service technicians each play their part as well. They will make sure to fine-tune each new installation for maximum efficiency. That means less energy being used, and a lower dollar amount on your utility bill. Isn’t it great being green?

We look forward to next year’s Eco Expo so we can help our local community become more efficient. What else do you think we could do to help? Leave a reply below!

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