Here at Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, we believe that one of the most important things that you can do for your air conditioner is to schedule a professional tune-up every year. Another term that we use to describe annual tune-ups is preventive maintenance because it is the best way that you can prevent future problems with your cooling system. Today we’re going to talk about what can happen to your system if you do not schedule air conditioner preventive maintenance every year!

What happens if you do NOT schedule air conditioner preventive maintenance every year?

  • Breakdowns are much more likely. The whole reason it’s called “preventive maintenance” is because a tune-up will significantly lower the chances of your system breaking down this summer. Without a tune-up, you are much more likely to encounter refrigerant leaks, electrical problems, dirty coils and components, a clogged condensate drain, airflow issues, lack of lubrication, and much more, all of which can cause your system to break down. One call to set up preventive maintenance could save you from making one or more expensive repair calls later on in the summer.
  • Your home won’t be as comfortable. Even if it doesn’t break down, an air conditioner without preventive maintenance will not operate at its peak performance levels. That’s because a poorly maintained air conditioner will have a tough time producing an adequate amount of cool air and distributing that air properly throughout your home. Save the sweating for the time you spend outdoors and schedule preventive maintenance instead!
  • Your cooling costs will be higher. Almost every kind of air conditioning problem will force your system to consume more energy. By skipping out on preventive maintenance, your cooling bills will be higher, especially as the summer progresses and small problems get worse. So even though preventive maintenance costs a small amount of money, it will save you money off your cooling bills in the long run (not to mention the money you’ll save on avoiding repair costs).
  • Your air conditioner will not last as long. There is no getting around it: the harder your air conditioner has to work throughout its lifetime, the shorter its lifespan will be. And systems that do not undergo professional tune-ups have to work much harder than systems that are inspected, cleaned, tested, and taken care of with yearly preventive maintenance. By skipping preventive maintenance, you could be taking years off of your system’s operating life and significantly lowering the value of the investment you made in your air conditioner.

If you have any questions about air conditioner preventive maintenance, or if you’d like a cooling system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St. Charles, MO, air conditioning contractor. We service the St. Louis area, including towns like St. Paul, St. Peters and Town and Country, MO.

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