Do you need AC installation in O’Fallon, MO? Few things feel better than coming home to a cool house after a long day in the summer heat. Your cooling system keeps you comfortable and safe even during the worst heatwave. However, if your AC unit is over ten years old, it could be more trouble than it’s worth.

An air conditioner’s efficiency and reliability decrease with age, resulting in higher utility bills. Repairs and maintenance become more frequent and expensive. The costs of running an old AC outweigh the benefits it provides. A new AC can give you peace of mind and greater comfort.

Another reason you may need AC replacement is the type of refrigerant your AC uses. Many old ACs use refrigerants that are bad for the environment. If your system uses R-22 refrigerant, it can be hard to get a refill. Most HVAC specialists recommend replacing the AC with a unit that uses a readily-available and environmentally-friendly refrigerant.