In our blog earlier this week we talked about why now is the perfect time of year to schedule a furnace tune-up and how it can help your heating system. Today we want to give you a better idea of what exactly is involved in a furnace tune-up and how each step specifically helps your furnace. So read on for a look into some of the most important parts of a technician’s annual furnace maintenance checklist.

Annual furnace maintenance checklist: 7 crucial tasks

  • Check thermostat.
  • Your thermostat is the part of your furnace that you come into contact with most often. Since it has the responsibility of telling your system when to shut on and off, it’s important that it is set and functioning properly. Your technician will make sure that everything is in working order.

  • Tighten electrical connections. For your furnace to function properly, all of its electrical connections must be tight and in working order. Loose connections could pose a safety hazard to your home.
  • Check controls. To check the controls of your furnace, your technician will observe your unit as it cycles from on to operating to off. This will help him or she identify any problems in the way your furnace operates.
  • Examine all gas connections. Most furnaces get their energy from natural gas, which is an excellent source of fuel. But anytime gas is used in your home, it must be done so in a controlled and safe manner. That’s why your technician will check the condition of all of the gas connections in your system and address any problems or safety hazards.
  • Inspect heat exchanger. Your heat exchanger is designed as a barrier. Its job is to contain a fire, transmit the fire’s heat to your home, and vent the toxic exhaust gasses and by-products to the outdoors without harming you or your family. Carbon Monoxide is an odorless, colorless, and toxic gas that is a byproduct of incomplete combustion. If there are any cracks in your furnace’s heat exchanger it can cause your furnace to produce toxic carbon monoxide gas. This can be a very serious health risk, which makes this one of the most important parts of annual furnace maintenance.
  • Check the air filter. If your air filter is dirty, it will restrict airflow to your unit and cause your furnace to work harder than it needs to. That’s why your technician will check and/or change the air filter that’s installed in your unit.

If you have any questions about this annual furnace maintenance checklist, or if you’d like a heating system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly, your St. Louis area heating and cooling company.

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