Conventionally, a furnace is used to heat your entire home at once. When
your furnace is on, it sends warm air to every room in your house. When
your furnace is off, none of the rooms in your house receive warm air.
But if your home is like many other homes in the St. Louis area,
different rooms warm up at different rates. This can lead to inconsistent temperature levels in your home, which can
be avoided by using zoned heating. Today we’re going to talk about
how zoned heating works and 3 common problems that it can solve in your
home this winter!

How does zoned heating work?

Zoned heating works by sectioning off your home into separate zones. Each
zone has a dedicated thermostat that is responsible for maintaining the temperature levels in its zone (and its zone only). The supply vents in each of your zones are controlled by an electronic damper. When any
of the zones in your home need to be heated, your furnace turns on. If
any given zone needs to be warmed up at that time, the dampers in that
zone are opened and warm air is allowed in. If a zone does not require
any warm air at that time, the dampers in that zone are left closed and
warm air is not allowed in.

3 common problems that can be solved by using zoned heating this winter

  1. Cold spots in your home.
  2. Perhaps the biggest benefit of zoned heating is that it gets rid of cold
    spots in your home. Cold spots are often located in parts of your home
    that are difficult to heat and are typically
    far from your thermostat. For example, there might be a
    bedroom in a faraway corner of your home that never stays warm. By giving that room its zone,
    you can ensure that it stays warm because it will have a thermostat
    that regulates its temperature independently from the rest of your house.

  3. Fights over the thermostat. Everyone in your family might have a slightly different opinion on what
    indoor temperature is the most comfortable. This is especially true in bedrooms because
    some people like to sleep in cooler rooms while others like to sleep in
    much warmer rooms. You can avoid arguments over the thermostat by giving
    each bedroom its zone and allowing your family members to each use
    the temperature settings that are comfortable for them.

If you have any questions about zoned heating, or if you’d like a heating
system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St.
Louis furnace repair and installation contractor. We provide service to
the St. Louis area, including towns like Maryland Heights, O’Fallon
and St. Charles, MO.

photo credit:
Vincent Oberle via

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