The holiday season is officially here! This is that great time of year that’s filled with friends, family, celebrations and a general winter cheer. But as temperatures continue to drop, it’s also a time of year that people begin to worry about rising energy bills. That’s why we wanted to ease your mind with these winter energy saving tips that will keep your home comfortable and your bills under control.

10 winter energy saving tips

  1. Schedule annual furnace maintenance. Although you might have an energy-efficient furnace, it won’t reach its peak efficiency unless it’s properly maintained. Get your annual furnace tune-up to ensure that your unit runs smoothly and consumes as little energy as possible all winter long.
  2. Seal air leaks around your home. Warm air is only useful if it stays in your home. Many homes have leaks around places like windows, doors, and electrical outlets that allow warm air to leak outside and cold winter air to come rushing in. You can save a significant amount of energy by sealing these leaks with weatherstripping, caulk and insulation gaskets.
  3. Add insulation if needed. Insulation is like a blanket over your home; it contains the heat in your home and prevents the cold weather outside from affecting temperatures indoors. Make sure to check the insulation levels in your home and add more if needed.
  4. Stay on top of your filter changes. Dirty air filters block the airflow to your furnace and force your unit to work harder than usual (and consume more energy). Change your filters monthly to guarantee maximum airflow and minimize energy consumption.
  5. Lower your thermostat temperature. The higher the temperature your thermostat is set at, the more energy your furnace will consume. Keep your thermostat set as low as comfortably possible when you’re at home and awake, and be sure to lower it when you’re sleeping and away from your home. A programmable thermostat will make this a breeze.
  6. Use a whole-house humidifier. Whole house humidifiers add moisture to your air and make you feel warmer in your home. As a result, you can lower your thermostat by a few degrees without feeling colder.
  7. Reverse your ceiling fans. When you reverse the direction of the ceiling fans in your home, warm air is pushed down to the occupied parts of your rooms. This also allows you to keep your thermostat set lower without sacrificing comfort.
  8. Close your fireplace when it’s not in use. If you keep your fireplace damper open, it allows warm air to escape right up your chimney. Make sure to keep it closed when it’s not in use to avoid wasting energy.
  9. Have your ductwork inspected for leaks. In the average home, as much as 20 percent of conditioned air is lost through leaks in the ductwork. You can save a lot of energy by having your leaky ducts inspected and sealed.
  10. Don’t block airflow to your air registers. In order to ensure maximum airflow for your heating system, keep your air registers open and clear of any furniture or other household obstructions.

If you have questions about any of these winter energy saving tips, or if you’d like a heating system serviced or installed in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, your St. Louis furnace repair company. We service the St. Louis area and surrounding cities like Creve Coeur, St. Paul and Winghaven.

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