There are a wide variety of air conditioner covers for sale–of various shapes and sizes and made of various materials. There’s a market for these items, and there are many people who believe that covering an outdoor air conditioning unit should be on your fall “to-do” list. However, if you ask HVAC professionals who deal with heating and cooling equipment daily, you’ll find that there are many reasons why you should not cover your air conditioner.

Many people believe that an air conditioner cover will protect their air conditioner from dirt, snow, ice, moisture, and rodents but this is not the case.

Air conditioning units are built to endure the outdoor elements on their own—and that includes rain, wind, snow, and moisture. Using an air conditioner cover can cause more harm than good.

The drawbacks of covering your air conditioner

  • Air conditioner covers can trap moisture inside and cause rust and corrosion.
  • Trapped moisture can cause mold growth.
  • Moisture trapped inside a cover is not good for the electrical wiring and circuit boards.
  • Trapped moisture can freeze during cold months and cause coils to freeze, resulting in damage over time.
  • Covers can provide shelter for warmth-seeking rodents who like to chew up wires to create bedding for nests.

Covered or not, keep your air conditioner well-maintained

The best thing to do for your air conditioner at the beginning or end of any season is to have it maintained. If you don’t have a service contract, you should contact a trusted HVAC professional today and ask how it can help extend the life of your heating and cooling equipment and keep it operating more efficiently.

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